1. On the Endpoint Server run the following command and replace <AdminServer-NODE-ID> with the Admin server's Node ID:
security-cli-client --get-config-prop --prop-hierarchy nw --prop-name rsa.data.application.servers[0] -b <AdminServer-NODE-ID>
The output should be the Event Stream Analysis's (ESA) NODE ID:
Retrieving value from Config-Server for property: nw:rsa.data.application.servers[0] <ESA-NODE-ID>
2. On the Admin Server run the following command:
security-cli-client --get-config-prop --prop-hierarchy nw --prop-name rsa.data.application.servers[0]
The output should be the ESA's NODE ID
Retrieving value from Config-Server for property: nw:rsa.data.application.servers[0] <ESA-NODE-ID>
3. On the Admin server run the following command to get the prop-identity needed for the next command:
cat /etc/netwitness/endpoint-server/service-id
4. On the Admin server run the following command with the prop-identity retrieved from the previous command:
security-cli-client --get-config-prop --prop-name rsa.data.application.servers[0] --prop-identity <EP's Service ID> -b <AdminServer-NODE-ID>
The output of the Endpoint's Node ID will be as follows. If this output does show the correct Endpoint Node ID, stop and contact NetWitness Support as the the fix is beyond the scope of this article. However, if the NODE ID provided by this output is not the correct one for the Endpoint server, proceed to the next step.:
Retrieving value from Config-Server for property: <prop-identity>:rsa.data.application.servers[0]<EP-NODE-ID>
5. On the Admin server run the following command:
security-cli-client --set-config-prop --prop-name rsa.data.application.servers[0] --prop-value <EP-Node-ID> --prop-identity <EP-Service ID> -b <AdminServer-Node-ID>
6. On the Endpoint server run the following to restart the service.
systemctl restart rsa-nw-endpoint-server.service
7. In the UI go to the Hosts page and reload the page a few times.