Remove the host from the UI using the steps mentioned in Knowledge Base Article Hosts View (By clicking on the delete button and confirming removal).
SSH to the host that you want to remove (Broker, Concentrator, Decoder, Archiver, ESA, etc.).
Run the command and copy the ID that is displayed.
# cat /etc/salt/minion
SSH into the Admin server and run the following command to remove the salt-key entry.
# orchestration-cli-client --remove-key <ID displayed from previous step>
Ex) orchestration-cli-client --remove-key 1d8aa9ec-8471-439d-87d9-9c645a0b3337
Run the following command on the Admin server to remove the RabbitMQ federations for the host.
# rabbitmqctl -q clear_parameter -p /rsa/system federation-upstream carlos-upstream-<ID displayed previously>
Ex) rabbitmqctl -q clear_parameter -p /rsa/system federation-upstream carlos-upstream-1d8aa9ec-8471-439d-87d9-9c645a0b3337