Note: This article does not cover extra deployments seen in
Configure->ESA Rules->Services.
Image description
This issue is due to stale or invalid entries in the source server Mongo during regular usage of CCM.
Follow the below steps to clean the invalid deployment entries in the source server Mongo.
1. Run the script using the following command on the Admin Server.
mongo localhost/source-server -u <username> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase admin cleanUp.js Note: cleanUp.js file attached to this KB Article.
2. Once the script is run successfully, restart the services in the following order.
1. Restart the Jetty service on the admin server.
service jetty restart.
3. Once Jetty is started, Restart all the Correlation Server services.
1. Go to Admin > services
2. Select correlation-server and restart.
4. Verify the Policies->Content-> Event Stream Analysis tab to see the ESA deployments.