Article Number
Applies To
RSA Product Set: RSA NetWitness Platform
RSA Product/Service Type: Endpoint Server, Endpoint Agent
RSA Version/Condition: 11.6.x, 11.7.x
Platform: CentOS
O/S Version: 7
Endpoint Agent upgrade via NetWitness UI fails.
Following error occur in /var/log/netwitness/endpoint-server/endpoint-server.log
2022-08-23 11:14:09,164 [ Thread-29] ERROR EndpointManagement|Unable to find installer file for windows 64bit
Packager process is failing to create 'NWE000064.msi' inside "/var/lib/netwitness/endpoint-server/installer/<servicename>/<drivername>/****/" folder, because some of the necessary fields of the policy are missing.
For example, "httpsPort", "httpsBeaconIntervalInSeconds", "udpPort", "udpBeaconIntervalInSeconds" in Endpoint Server Settings are missing in DB(endpoint-server.machinedetail).
1. Create a sample policy and a group with the problem machines and populate the necessary endpoint-server data in the policy and publish them. Refer the image for required fields.
Image description2. Trigger upgrade Agents from UI.