Aggregation Configuration Parameters

This table lists and describes the available configuration parameters that are common to services that perform aggregation, such as Concentrators and Archivers.

Configuration Path /concentrator/config or /archiver/config
aggregate.autostart Automatically restarts aggregation after a service restart, if enabled. Change takes effect immediately.
aggregate.buffer.size Displays the size of the buffer (default unit is KB) used per round of aggregation. Larger buffers may improve aggregation performance but could impact query performance. Change takes effect after aggregation restart.
aggregate.crc If enabled, all aggregation streams will be CRC validated. Change takes effect immediately.
aggregate.hours Displays the maximum number of hours behind a service will be allowed to start aggregation. Change takes effect immediately.
aggregate.interval Lists the minimum number of milliseconds before another round of aggregation is requested. Change takes effect immediately. Lists the allocated number meta pages per session used for aggregation. Change takes effect on service restart.
aggregate.meta.perpage Lists the allocated number of meta stored on one page of data. Change takes effect on service restart.
aggregate.precache Determines if the concentrator will precache the next round of aggregation for upstream services. Can improve aggregation performance but could impact query performance. Change takes effect immediately.
aggregate.sessions.max Lists the number of sessions to aggregate on each round. Change takes effect after aggregation restart.
aggregate.sessions.perpage Lists the number of sessions stored on one page of data. Change takes effect on service restart.
aggregate.time.window Displays the maximum +/- time window, in seconds, that all services must be inside before another round of aggregation is requested. Zero turns off time window. Change takes effect immediately.
consume.mode Determines if the concentrator can only aggregate locally or over a network, based on licensing restrictions. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.enabled Allows export of session data, if enabled. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.expire.minutes Lists the number of minutes before export cache files are expired and flushed. Change takes effect immediately.
export.format Determines the file format used during data export. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.local.path Displays the local location to cache exported data. Optional assigned max size (=#unit), units are: t for TB; g for GB, m for MB. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.meta.fields Determines which meta fields are exported. Comma-separated list of fields.
* means all fields.
* and field list means all fields except the listed fields.
Just the field list means only those fields are included.
Change takes effect immediately.
export.remote.path Displays the remote protocol (nfs://) and location to export data. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.rollup Determines the rollup interval for export files. Change takes effect on service restart.
export.session.max Displays the maximum sessions per exported file. For export file types that cache, this determines cached memory sizes. Zero is no limit. Change takes effect immediately.
export.size.max Displays the maximum bytes per exported file. For export file types that cache, this determines cached memory sizes. Zero is no limit. Change takes effect immediately.
export.usage.max Displays the maximum percentage of cache space used before stopping aggregation. Zero is no limit. Change takes effect immediately.
heartbeat.error Lists the number of seconds to wait after a service error before attempting a service reconnect. Change takes effect immediately.
heartbeat.interval Lists the number of milliseconds between heartbeat service checks. Change takes effect immediately. Lists the number of seconds to wait before attempting a service reconnect. Change takes effect immediately. Lists the number of seconds to wait before taking unresponsive service offline. Change takes effect immediately.