Appendix B. Troubleshooting Version Installations and UpgradesAppendix B. Troubleshooting Version Installations and Upgrades
This section describes the error messages displayed in the Hosts view when it encounters problems updating host versions and installing services on hosts in the Hosts view. If you cannot resolve an update or installation issue using the following troubleshooting solutions, contact Customer Support.
Troubleshooting instructions for the following errors that may occur during the upgrade are described in this section.
- deploy_admin Password Expired Error
- Downloading Error
- Error Deploying Version <version-number> Missing Update Packages
- Upgrade Failed Error
- External Repo Update Error
- Host Update Failed Error
- Missing Update Packages Error
- Patch Update to Non-NW Server Error
- Reboot Host After Update from Command Line Error
- Reporting Engine Restarts After Upgrade
Troubleshooting instructions are also provided for errors for the following hosts and services that may occur during or after an upgrade.
deploy_admin User Password Has Expired Errordeploy_admin User Password Has Expired Error
Error Message |
Cause | The deploy_admin user password has expired. |
Solution |
Reset your deploy_admin password password.
Downloading ErrorDownloading Error
Error Message |
Problem | When you select an update version and click Update >Update Host, the download starts but fails to complete. |
Cause | Version download files can be large and take a long time to download. If there are communication issues during the download it will fail. |
Solution |
Error Message |
If you are upgrading from NetWitness Platform 11.x.x.x to 11.6.x.x or later, offline UI upgrade fails with the Download error message. |
Solution |
Error Deploying Version <version-number> Missing Update PackagesError Deploying Version <version-number> Missing Update Packages
Error Message |
Problem |
Error deploying version <version-number> is displayed in the Initialize Update Package for RSA NetWitness Platform dialog after you click on Initialize Update if the update package is corrupted. |
Solution |
Upgrade Failed ErrorUpgrade Failed Error
Error Message |
While updating/installing a device to version 11.2 or above, the following error can occur and be found in /var/log/netwitness/config-management/chef-solo.log:
Cause |
The reason can be because the target host is unable to communicate to the Admin Server on port 53 as it is attempting to use the dnsmasq service on the Admin Server to resolve, in this case, 889e5752-6ae3-4286-a944-c182 33f4ccbc. This is the salt minion id of the admin server. You can see this by running "cat /etc/salt/minion" on the Admin Server to compare. Example output:
Solution | If possible, configure any firewalls between the target host and the Admin Server host to be able to communicate on port 53. If this is not possible, the workaround is to include the minion id in the /etc/host file on the component hosts and starting in the 11.4 release, modify the chef recipe not to overwrite this workaround. |
Workaround | Refer to Install/Upgrade fails in RSA NetWitness Platform because Resolv::ResolvError: no address for a particular host KB Article. |
Error Message |
Received an error in the error log similar to the following when trying to update to version 11.6 or later:
Cause | Custom builds/rpms installed for certain components installed on hosts, such as in the case of installing Hotfixes. |
Solution |
To resolve the issue, follow the below steps.
Note: You must delete the version details for all the host that has custom builds/rpms in the component descriptor of the admin server.
External Repo Update ErrorExternal Repo Update Error
Error Message |
Received an error similar to the following error when trying to update to a new version from the :
Cause | There is an error the path you specified. |
Solution |
Make sure that:
Host Update Failed ErrorHost Update Failed Error
Error Message |
Problem | When you select an update version and click Update > Update Host, the download process is successful, but the update process fails. |
Solution |
Missing Update Packages ErrorMissing Update Packages Error
Error Message |
Initialize Update for Version xx.x.x.x
Download Packages from RSA Link
Problem | Missing the following update package(s) is displayed in the Initialize Update Package for RSA NetWitness Platform dialog when you are updating a host from the Hosts view offline and there are packages missing in the staging folder. |
Solution |
OpenSSL 1.1.xOpenSSL 1.1.x
Error Message |
The following example illustrates an ssh error that can occur when the ssh client is run from a host with OpenSSL 1.1.x installed: |
Problem |
Advanced users who want to ssh to a NetWitness Platform host from a client that is using OpenSSL 1.1.x encounter this error because of incompatibility between CENTOS 7.x and OpenSSL 1.1.x. For example: $ rpm -q openssl |
Solution |
Specify the compatible cipher list on the command line. For example: $ ssh -oCiphers=aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr root@ I've read & consent to terms in IS user agreement. root@'s password: Last login: Mon Oct 21 19:03:23 2019 |
Patch Update to Non-NW Server ErrorPatch Update to Non-NW Server Error
Error Message |
The /var/log/netwitness/orchestration-server/orchestration-server.log has an error similar to the following error:
Problem | After you update the NW Server host to a version, you must update all non-NW Server hosts to the same version. For example, if you update the NW Server from to or later, the only update path for the non-NW Server hosts is the same version (that is, If you try to update any non-NW Server host to a different version (for example, from to an 11.4.x.x) you will get this error. |
Solution |
You have two options:
Reboot Host After Update from Command Line ErrorReboot Host After Update from Command Line Error
Error Message |
You receive a message in the User Interface to reboot the host after you update and reboot the host offline. |
Cause | You cannot use CLI to reboot the host. You must use the User Interface. |
Solution |
Reboot the host in the Host View in the User Interface.
Reporting Engine Restarts After Upgrade Reporting Engine Restarts After Upgrade
Problem |
In some cases, after you upgrade to 11.6 or later from versions of 11.x, such as 11.4, the Reporting Engine service attempts to restart continuously without success. |
Cause |
The database files for live charts, alert status, or report status may not be loaded successfully as the files may be corrupted. |
Solution |
To resolve the issue, do the following:
Problem | After you upgrade to version 11.6 or later, the Reporting Engine service does not restart. |
Cause | The Reporting Engine service may not start due to any of the following reasons. - workspace.xml not updated. - Time is not converted properly in livechart h2 database. - JCR (Jackrabbit repository) is corrupted with primary key violation. |
Solution |
To resolve the issue, run the Reporting Engine Migration Recovery tool ( on the Admin Server where the Reporting Engine service is installed. Note: You can find the Reporting Engine Migration Recovery tool in the below location. 1. SSH to Admin Server. 2. Untar the RE (Reporting Engine) tool, run the following command. 3. (Optional) If you want to untar the RE tool file in some other directory, you can create a directory and untar the RE tool. Run the following commands. mkdir <NAME OF THE DIRECTORY>
4. Run the script, run the following command. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article Reporting Engine Migration Recovery Tool. |
Log Collector Service (nwlogcollector)Log Collector Service (nwlogcollector)
Log Collector installation logs posted to /var/log/install/nwlogcollector_install.log on the host running the nwlogcollector service.
Error Message | <timestamp>.NwLogCollector_PostInstall: Lockbox Status : Failed to open lockbox: The lockbox stable value threshold was not met because the system fingerprint has changed. To reset the system fingerprint, open the lockbox using the passphrase. |
Cause | The Log Collector Lockbox failed to open after the update. |
Solution | Log in to NetWitness and reset the system fingerprint by resetting the stable system value password for the Lockbox as described in the "Reset the Stable System Value" topic under "Configure Lockbox Security Settings" topic in the Log Collection Configuration Guide. |
Error Message | <timestamp> NwLogCollector_PostInstall: Lockbox Status : Not Found |
Cause | The Log Collector Lockbox is not configured after the update. |
Solution | If you use a Log Collector Lockbox, log in to NetWitness and configure the Lockbox as described in the "Configure Lockbox Security Settings" topic in the Log Collection Configuration Guide. |
Error Message | <timestamp>: NwLogCollector_PostInstall: Lockbox Status : Lockbox maintenance required: The lockbox stable value threshold requires resetting. To reset the system fingerprint, select Reset Stable System Value on the settings page of the Log Collector. |
Cause | You need to reset the stable value threshold field for the Log Collector Lockbox. |
Solution | Log in to NetWitness and reset the stable system value password for the Lockbox as described in "Reset the Stable System Value" topic under "Configure Lockbox Security Settings" topic in the Log Collection Configuration Guide. |
Error Message |
Decoder tries to start capture events but fails. |
Solution |
To resolve the issue, do the following steps,
NW ServerNW Server
These logs are posted to /var/netwitness/uax/logs/sa.log on the NW Server Host.
Problem |
After upgrade, you notice that Audit logs are not getting forwarded to the configured Global Audit Setup; or,
The following message seen in the sa.log.
Cause | NW Server Global Audit setup migration failed to migrate from 11.4.x.x or 11.5.x.x. to or later. |
Solution |
The orchestration server logs are posted to /var/log/netwitness/orchestration-server/orchestration-server.log on the NW Server Host.
Problem |
You will see the following message in the orchestration-server.log.
Cause | Salt minion may have been upgraded and never restarted on failed non-NW Server host |
Solution |
Reporting Engine Service Reporting Engine Service
Reporting Engine Update logs are posted to to/var/log/re_install.log file on the host running the Reporting Engine service.
Error Message | <timestamp> : Available free space in /var/netwitness/re-server/rsa/soc/reporting-engine [ ><existing-GB ] is less than the required space [ <required-GB> ] |
Cause | Update of the Reporting Engine failed because you do not have enough disk space. |
Solution | Free up the disk space to accommodate the required space shown in the log message. See the "Add Additional Space for Large Reports" topic in the Reporting Engine Configuration Guide for instructions on how to free up disk space. |
Event Stream AnalysisEvent Stream Analysis
Problem | After upgrading to version 11.6 or later, the ESA correlation server does not aggregate events from the configured data sources. |
Error Message | Invalid username or password at |
Solution |
To resolve the issue, do the following steps.
Note: Do the above procedure for all the configured data sources.
ESA Troubleshooting InformationESA Troubleshooting Information
ESA Rules are Not Creating AlertsESA Rules are Not Creating Alerts
If you are not seeing any alerts, check the status of the ESA rule deployments.
- Go to (Configure) > ESA Rules > Services tab.
The Services view is displayed, which shows the status of your ESA services and deployments. - In the options panel on the left, select an ESA service.
- For each service listed, look at the deployment tabs in the panel on the right. Each tab represents a separate ESA rule deployment.
- For each ESA rule deployment:
- In the Engine Stats section, look at the Events Offered and the Offered Rate. They confirm that the data is being aggregated and analyzed properly. If you see 0 for Events Offered, nothing is coming in for the deploymIent.
- In the Rule Stats section, look at the Rules Enabled and Rules Disabled. If there are any disabled rules, look in the Deployed Rule Stats section below to view the details of the disabled rules. Disabled rules show a white circle. Enabled rules show a green circle.
- If you notice any disabled rules that should be enabled:
- Go to (Configure) > ESA Rules > Rules tab and redeploy the ESA rule deployments that contain disabled rules.
- Go back to the Services tab and check to see if the rules are still disabled. If the rules are still disabled, check the ESA Correlation service log files, which are located at /var/log/netwitness/correlation-server/correlation-server.log.
Note: To avoid unnecessary processing overhead, the Ignore Case option has been removed from the ESA Rule Builder - Build a Statement dialog for meta keys that do not contain text data values. During the upgrade to 11.4 or later, NetWitness Platform does not modify existing rules for the Ignore Case option. If an existing Rule Builder rule has the Ignore Case option selected for a meta key that no longer has the option available, an error occurs if you try to edit the statement and try to save it again without clearing the checkbox.
Endpoint, UEBA, and Live Content Rules are Not WorkingEndpoint, UEBA, and Live Content Rules are Not Working
To support Endpoint and UEBA content as well as changes to ESA rules from Live, a data change from single-value (string) to multi-value (string array) is required for several meta keys within the ESA Correlation service. In NetWitness Platform 11.4 or later, ESA automatically adjusts the operator in the rule statement when there is a change from string to string array, but you still may need to make manual adjustments to adjust for the string array changes.
To change the string type meta keys to string array type meta keys manually in 11.4 or later, see “Configure Meta Keys as Arrays in ESA Correlation Rule Values” in the ESA Configuration Guide.
To use the latest Endpoint, UEBA, and Live content rules, the following default multi-valued meta keys are required on the ESA Correlation service in NetWitness Platform version 11.4 or later:
action , alert , , , alias.ip , alias.ipv6 , analysis.file , analysis.service , analysis.session , boc , browserprint , cert.thumbprint , checksum , checksum.all , checksum.dst , checksum.src , client.all , content , context , context.all , context.dst , context.src , dir.path , dir.path.dst , dir.path.src , directory , directory.all , directory.dst , directory.src , email , email.dst , email.src , eoc , feed.category , feed.desc , , , , , filename.dst , filename.src , filter , function , host.all , host.dst , host.orig , host.src , host.state , inv.category , inv.context , ioc , ip.orig , ipv6.orig , netname , OS , param , param.dst , param.src , registry.key , registry.value , risk , , risk.suspicious , risk.warning , threat.category , threat.desc , threat.source , user.agent , username
The following default single-valued meta keys are also required on the ESA Correlation service in NetWitness Platform 11.4 or later:
accesses , , file.attributes , logon.type.desc , packets
To update your meta keys, see "Update the Multi-Valued and Single-Valued Parameter Meta Keys for the latest Endpoint, UEBA, and RSA Live Content Rules" in the ESA Configuration Guide.
If you used any meta keys in the ESA rule notification templates from the Required String Array or String Meta Keys list, update the templates with the meta key changes. See "Configure Global Notification Templates" in the System Configuration Guide. Go to the NetWitness All Versions Documents page and find NetWitness Platform guides to troubleshoot issues.
Note: Advanced EPL rules may get disabled and are not automatically updated so they must be fixed manually.
For additional troubleshooting information, see “Troubleshoot ESA” in the Alerting with ESA Correlation Rules User Guide for RSA NetWitness Platform. Go to the NetWitness All Versions Documents page and find NetWitness Platform guides to troubleshoot issues.
Example ESA Correlation Server Warning Message for Missing Meta Keys Example ESA Correlation Server Warning Message for Missing Meta Keys
If you see a warning message in the ESA Correlation server error logs that means there is a difference between the default-multi-valued parameter and multi-valued parameter meta key values, the new Endpoint, UEBA, and Live content rules will not work. Completing the "Update the Multi-Valued and Single-Valued Parameter Meta Keys for the latest Endpoint, UEBA, and RSA Live Content Rules" procedure in the ESA Configuration Guide should fix the issue.
Multi-Valued Warning Message Example
2019-08-23 08:55:07,602 [ deployment-0] WARN Stream|[alert, alert_id, browserprint, cert_thumbprint, checksum, checksum_all, checksum_dst, checksum_src, client_all, content, context, context_all, context_dst, context_src, dir_path, dir_path_dst, dir_path_src, directory, directory_all, directory_dst, directory_src, email_dst, email_src, feed_category, feed_desc, feed_name, file_cat, file_cat_dst, file_cat_src, filename_dst, filename_src, filter, function, host_all, host_dst, host_orig, host_src, host_state, ip_orig, ipv6_orig, OS, param, param_dst, param_src, registry_key, registry_value, risk, risk_info, risk_suspicious, risk_warning, threat_category, threat_desc, threat_source, user_agent] are still MISSING from multi-valued
Single Value Warning Message Example
2019-08-23 08:55:07,602 [ deployment-0] WARN Stream|[accesses, context_target, file_attributes, logon_type_desc, packets] are still MISSING from single-valued