Backup and Restore New Health and Wellness Backup and Restore New Health and Wellness
Perform the following steps in the order given:
Back up the Admin Server. For more information on the instructions, see "Disaster Recovery (Back Up and Restore)" topic in Recovery Tool User Guide.
At the root level, type the following command on the host on which New Health and Wellness is installed :
nw-recovery-tool --export --dump-dir /var/netwitness/backup --category Search
Note: Make sure that the Admin Server is restored, up and running successfully.
Restore the New Health and Wellness using the following command:
nw-recovery-tool --import --dump-dir /var/netwitness/backup --category Search
Note: Restore the search category (New Health and Wellness) on the same host on which New Health and Wellness is installed.
- Reboot the Host on which search category (New Health and Wellness) is restored.
Restore the default content using RSA Live:
Log in to NetWitness Platform UI.
Click (Configure) > LIVE CONTENT.
In the Search Criteria panel, select the Resource Types as:
- Health and Wellness Dashboards
- Health and Wellness Monitors
Click Search.
In the Matching Resources view, select the checkbox to the left of the resources that you want to deploy.
In the Matching Resources toolbar, click .
In the Deployment Wizard > Resources tab, click Next.
In the Services tab, select the Metrics Server service.
Click Next.
Click Deploy.
The Deploy page is displayed. The Progress bar turns green when you have successfully deployed the resources to the selected services. - Click Close.