To change the Kibana password:

  1. SSH to the virtual host on which Health and Wellness (BETA) is deployed.
  2. Go to tools folder using the command:

    cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/tools/

  3. Generate the hash for the new password using the command:

    sh -p <new password>

    For example, sh -p netwitness


  4. Copy the generated hash.
  5. Go to the securityconfig folder using the command:

    cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/

  6. Check if the internal_users.yml file exists using the command:

  7. Replace the hash value in the internal_users.yml file for Admin user with the generated hash that is obtained in step 4.


    Note: Make sure you replace with the correct hash to log in to Kibana UI successfully.

  8. Save the file.
  9. Go to tools folder using the command:

    cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/tools/

  10. Update the security configuration changes in Elasticsearch using the command:

    sh -cd ../securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-trusts.pem -cert /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cert.pem -key /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-key.pem


    Note: After this is done, check if you can log in to Kibana using the username and new password.

  11. SSH to the Admin Server.
  12. Enter the following command:
    The console window is displayed.


  13. Connect to metrics-server using the following command:

    connect --service metrics-server

  14. Enter the login command:
  15. Enter the admin username and password.
  16. Set the Elasticsearch password using the following commands:
    1. cd /rsa/metrics/elastic/password

    2. set <new password> For example, set netwitness


Note: The <new password> should be same as in step 3.

  1. Set the Kibana password using the following commands:

    1. cd /rsa/metrics/kibana/password

    2. set <new password> For example, set netwitness


Note: The <new password> should be same as in step 3.

  1. Exit from nw-shell using the command:


  2. SSH to the Health and Wellness (BETA) virtual host.
  3. Restart the metrics server on the Health and Wellness (BETA) virtual host using the command:
    service rsa-nw-metrics-server restart