Chart Permissions Dialog

In the Chart Permissions dialog, you can manage access permissions for user roles at the chart and chart group level. Only a user with the 'Read & Write' permission can configure the chart in the Reporting module.



What do you want to do?

Role I want to ... Documentation

Administrator/ Analyst

Configure Reporting Engine

For more information, see "Configure Reporting Engine" in the Reporting Engine Configuration Guide.

Administrator/ Analyst Configure a chart Configure a Chart

Administrator/ Analyst

Schedule a chart

Schedule a Chart

Administrator/ Analyst

View a chart

View a Chart

Administrator/ Analyst Test a chart Test a Chart
Administrator/ Analyst Investigate a chart Investigate a Chart
Administrator/ Analyst Manage a chart group and chart* Manage a Chart Group and Chart

*You can complete these tasks here.

Related Topics

Quick View

The Chart permissions dialog allows you to set chart permissions depending on the user role.

The following figure is an example with the important features labeled.


1 Click Reports to view the Manage tab.
2 Click Charts to open the Chart view.

In the Charts panel, select a report and click netwitness_options_button.png > Permissions. The Chart Permissions dialog box is displayed.

4 Based on the user role, select the appropriate options.
5 (Optional) Select the checkbox if you want to automatically provide read access permission to dependent rules​.
6 Click Save.

The following table lists the columns in the Charts Permission dialog.

Column Description
Roles Displays all the user roles in the NetWitness user interface.
Read & Write Allows you to apply 'Read&Write' access to the chart.
Read Only Allows you to apply only 'Read' access to the chart.
No Access By selecting this permission, you cannot access or view the chart.
netwitness_checkbox_icon_new.png Apply these permissions to sub-groups and Charts in this group

Allows you to apply permissions to the chart group, subgroups in the group and charts in the group.

Note: This checkbox is populated only when you set access permissions for a Chart Group.

netwitness_checkbox_icon_new.png Apply Read-only permission to Rules in the Charts Allows you to automatically apply permissions to the rules in the charts.
Cancel Cancels all the changes made to the permissions.
Save Saves the selection and provides access to the role based on the selection.