Configure a Database for the Respond Server Service

This procedure is required only if you need to change the database configuration for Respond Server after the deployment of the NetWitness or ESA Primary hosts and their corresponding services. You have to select the ESA Primary server to act as the database host for NetWitness Respond application data, such as alerts, incidents, and tasks. You also have to select the NetWitness Server to act as the database host for NetWitness Respond control data, such as incident rules and categories.


Ensure that:

  • The Respond Server service is installed and running on NetWitness.
  • An ESA host is installed and configured.


  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.
    The Services view is displayed.
  2. In the Services panel, select the Respond Server service and then select netwitness_ic-actns.png > View > Explore.
  3. In the Explore view node list, select data/application.
  4. Provide the following information:

    • db: The database name. The default value is respond-server.
    • password: The password used for the deployment of the ESA primary server (password for deploy_admin user).
    • servers: The hostname or IP address of the ESA primary server to act as the database host for NetWitness Respond application data, such as alerts, incidents, and tasks.
    • user: Enter deploy_admin.
  5. In the Explore view node list, select data/control.

  6. Provide the following information:

    • db: The database name. The default value is respond-server.
    • password: The password used for the deployment of the NetWitness Server (password for deploy_admin user).
    • servers: The hostname or IP address of the NetWitness Server to act as the database host for NetWitness Respond control data, such as incident rules and categories.
    • user: Enter deploy_admin.
  7. Restart the Respond Server service. To do this, go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services, select the Respond Server service, and then select netwitness_ic-actns.png > Restart.

Note: Restarting the Respond Server service is required for the database configuration to be complete.