Configure Context Hub Data Source Settings

After you have configured the required data sources you can customize the settings for the data sources based on your requirement.

To access and configure settings:

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.

    The services view is displayed.

  2. In the Services panel, select the Context Hub service and click > View > Config.

    The Services Config view of Context Hub is displayed.

  3. Select the data source for which you want to configure the settings and click  in the Actions column.

    The following screenshot is an example of the NetWitness Endpoint settings dialog:

    The following screenshot is an example of the REST API settings dialog:

  4. Configure the following fields:

    Field Description
    Enable This option is enabled by default (checked) and can be used to enable or disable the response from the selected data source.
    Cache Settings

    Any lookup from Context Hub can be stored in the Context Hub cache for a configured time. Response to any subsequent matching request will be fetched from the Context Hub cache.
    Use this section to define the following cache settings for query lookup:

    • Cache Enabled: By default, this checkbox is selected and the query response is cached.
    • Cache Expiration (Minutes): The maximum time the query lookup is retained in cache. The default time is 30 minutes and maximum is 7200 minutes that you can configure.

    List value Expiration

    Enable: Select Enable to define the number of days the list values must be available. By default, this option is disabled and the values are retained.

    Time to Live (Days): Enter the number of days you want to the list values to be retained.

    Meta Mapping

    Any list stored in Context Hub should be made available for a lookup. The lookup in Context Hub is performed based on meta type or entities. Examples IP, HOST, MAC ADDRESS, DOMAIN, FILE_NAME, FILE_HASH, USER.

    Meta Type: Entities available in Context Hub.

    Context Hub Fields: Column headers from CSV file you have added when creating a list.

    Meta and Field Mapping

    Response Preview: You can view the live response for the REST API configured, using the test meta value as a placeholder.

    Copy: Copies the response preview.

    Meta Mapping: Any REST API stored in Context Hub should be made available for a lookup. The lookup in Context Hub is performed based on meta type or entities selected. Examples IP, HOST, MAC ADDRESS, DOMAIN, FILE_NAME, FILE_HASH, USER.

    Meta Type: Entities available in Context Hub.

    Field Mapping: Add friendly display name for the response field which is displayed during the context lookup.

    netwitness_add_icon.png - Add a field mapping.

    netwitness_delete.png - Delete a field mapping.

    Field- Enter the path for which you want to add a friendly name.

    Value (from Preview)- The value is filled automatically based on the path.

    Display Name- Enter friendly name.

    Minimum IIOC Score The minimum IIOC score to be considered for fetching contextual information of NetWitness Endpoint modules.

    Query Last (Days)

    The duration (in days) for which the Context Data must be queried.

    Limit The maximum number of records to be displayed when Context Lookup is performed.

    Recur Every

    Configure recurring schedule to fetch and store contextual data for the required intervals.

  5. Click any one of the following options:

    • Cancel - select this option to cancel the changes.
    • Save - select this option to save the changes.
    • Save and Close - select this option to save and close the dialog.

To access and configure settings for STIX data sources

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services and select Context Hub service.
  2. Click > View > Config > STIX tab.
  3. Select the data source for which you want to configure the settings and click  actions_icon.pngin the Configurations column.


    1. For REST Server, the following fields are displayed.

    Configure the following fields for REST Server.

    Field Description
    Recur Every Specify the time frequency in minutes, hours, days or weeks to retrieve the content from the data source.
    1. For TAXII Server, the following fields are displayed.

    Configure the following fields for TAXII Server.

    Field Description
    Retention Period Specify the number of days the content retrieved from the taxi data source must be retained before it is automatically deleted.
    Recur Every Specify the time frequency in minutes, hours, days or weeks to retrieve the content from the data source .


Based on the data source you select, the Response Groups differ. The following table describes the response groups for every data source.

Data Source (Connection) Response Supported Groups Field Settings
netwitness_listicon.png List List

Meta Mapping
Meta Type
Context Hub Fields

Data Prefetch Settings
Schedule Recurrence
List Value Expiration

Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes) [Min is 30 minutes Max is 7200 minutes]

netwitness_archericon.png Archer Archer

Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)


Export Attributes Configuration

Export Attributes
Data Prefetch Settings

Schedule Recurrence

netwitness_adicon.pngActive Directory Users

Meta Mapping

Meta Type

Context Hub Fields


Data Prefetch Settings

Schedule Recurrence

List Value Expiration

Cache Settings

Cache Enabled

Cache Expiration (Minutes)[Min is 30 minutes Max is 7200 minutes]

netwitness_epicon.png NetWitness Endpoint
Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)
Context Panel Settings

Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)

Context Panel Settings

Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)
Minimum IIOC Score
Context Panel Settings
netwitness_alertsicon.png Alerts
netwitness_incidentsicon.png Incidents

Context Panel Settings
Data Prefetch Settings
Query Last [Days

Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)

File Reputation Server File Reputation Server Cache Settings
Cache Enabled
Cache Expiration (Minutes)


Displays information for STIX data sources.

IP address, email address, domain, filename, URL's, and file hash.

Note: The context lookup for email address and URL will be displayed only if these metas are mapped. To map the metas, navigate to netwitness_configureicon_24x21.png (Configure) > System > Investigation > Context Lookup.



  • Meta and Field Mapping
  • Meta Type
  • Field
  • Value (from Preview)
  • Display Name
  • Cache Settings
  • Cache Enabled
  • Cache Expiration (Minutes)

Note: After you configure the data source settings, you can configure the Context Hub configuration parameters by navigating to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services> View > Explore view. Make sure you restart the Context Hub service if you make any configuration changes in the Explore view.