This section covers step 4 defined in the Introduction section.
The SASE decoder node is successfully bootstrap and orchestrated in gcp.
All the storage disks associated with the node’s model are created. As noted earlier, the disks are not created when an incorrect model_name is used or the additional_disks attribute is set to false. Incorrect model_name requires uninstalling the node and recreating it. If incorrect additional_disks value (false) is used, set the value to true and re-run the nw-create-cloud-hybrid script.
nw-create-cloud-hybrid --enable-cloud-sase
Configure SASE Decoder Storage
Refer to Appendix B: Sample scenario for Configuring SASE Decoder Storage to complete the configuration of the storage disks created during installation.
Configure SASE Concentrator Storage
Refer to Appendix C: Sample scenario for Configuring SASE Concentrator Storage to complete the configuration of the storage disks created during installation.