Core Service System Configuration Parameters

The following list describes the System configuration parameters that are common to all NetWitness Core services.

System Configuration Folder /sys/config
compression Displays the minimum amount of bytes before a message is compressed, when set to a positive value. Zero means no compression for any message. Change takes effect on subsequent connections.
crc.checksum Displays the minimum bytes before a message is sent over the network with a CRC checksum (to be validated by the client), when set to a positive value. Zero means no CRC checksum validation with any message. Change takes effect on subsequent connections.
drives Displays drives to monitor for usage stats. Change takes effect on service restart.
port Displays the port this service will listen on. Change takes effect on service restart.
scheduler Displays the folder for scheduled tasks. Displays an optional service name used by upstream services for aggregation in lieu of hostname.
ssl Encrypts all traffic using SSL, if enabled. Change takes effect on service restart.
stat.compression Compresses stats as they are written to the database, if enabled. Change takes effect on service restart.
stat.dir Displays the directory where the historical stats database is stored (separate multiple dirs with semicolon). Optional assigned max size (=#unit), units are: t for TB; g for GB, m for MB. Change takes effect on service restart.
stat.exclude Lists stat pathnames to be excluded from the stat database. The following wildcards are permitted:
? match any single character
* match zero or more characters to delimiter /
** match zero or more characters including delimiter.
Change takes effect immediately.
stat.interval Determines how often (in milliseconds) statistic nodes are updated in the system. Change takes effect immediately.
threads Lists the number of threads in the thread pool to handle incoming requests. Change takes effect immediately.