Deploy and Verify Endpoint Agents
This section provides instruction on how to deploy and verify agents.
Note: By default, the agent is installed in the Insights mode. Depending on the policy assigned, the agent can operate in Insights or Advanced mode. Make sure you review the policy before deploying the agent. For more information, see NetWitness Endpoint Configuration Guide.
Deploying Agents (Windows)
To deploy the agent, run the nwe-agent-package.exe file on the hosts you want to monitor.
Verifying Windows Agents
After deploying the Windows agents, you can verify if a Windows agent is running by using any of the following methods:
Using the NetWitness UI
The Hosts view contains the list of all hosts with an agent. You can look for the host name on which the agent is installed.
Note: Click Hosts or press F5 to refresh the list for latest data.
Using Task Manager
Open Task Manager and look for service name that you configured while generating the agent packager on the host machine.
Using Services.msc
Open Services.msc in run and look for the service name that you configured while generating the agent packager on the host machine.
Deploying Agent (Linux)
To deploy the agent on the hosts you want to monitor:
RPM based Linux
Run the nwe-agent.x86_64.rpm (for 64-bit) file. To run the command, open Terminal on the Linux machine and run the following command as root:
rpm -iv <installer file name>.rpm
For example, using the default installer file names, you can enter one of the following command:
rpm -iv nwe-agent.x86_64.rpm (for x86_64 architecture)
Note: To upgrade RPM based Linux agents, run rpm -Uvh nwe-agent.x86_64.rpm.
Debian based Linux
Run the nwe-agent.x86_64.deb (for 64-bit) file. To run the command, open Terminal on the Linux machine and run the following command as root:
dpkg -i <installer file name>.deb
For example, using the default installer file name, you can enter the following command:
dpkg -i nwe-agent.x86_64.deb (for x86_64 architecture)
(Enter the administrator password when prompted.)
Note: To upgrade Debian based Linux agents, run dpkg -i nwe-agent.x86_64.deb.
Verifying Linux Agents
After deploying the Linux agents, you can verify if a Linux agent is running by using any of the following methods:
Using the NetWitness UI
The Hosts view contains the list of all hosts with an agent.
Note: Click Hosts or press F5 to refresh the list for latest data.
Using Command Line
Run the following command to get the PID:
pgrep nwe-agent
To check the NetWitness Endpoint version, run the following command:
cat /opt/rsa/nwe-agent/config/nwe-agent.config | grep version
Deploying Agent (Mac)
To deploy the agent, run the nwe-agent.pkg file on the hosts you want to monitor. On macOS version Catalina (10.15) and higher, you need to move the nwe-agent.pkg file to a folder with sufficient access privileges (e.g., /tmp) and install the agent from there.
Verifying Mac Agents
After deploying the Mac agents, you can verify if a Mac agent is running by using any of the following methods:
Using the NetWitness UI
The Hosts view contains the list of all hosts with an agent.
Note: Click Hosts or press F5 to refresh the list for the latest data.
Using Activity Monitor
Open Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities/Activity and look for NWEAgent.
Using Command Line
Run the following command to get the PID
pgrep NWEAgent
To check the NetWitness Endpoint version, run the command:
grep a /var/log/NWEAgent.log | grep NWEAgent | grep Version