Enable CPU Usage Statistics for Installed Content

The Decoder provides CPU utilization statistics for all installed content, which you can use to reveal how much CPU time is used by parsers, feeds, application rules, and lexical scanning. The statistics are visible as Stat nodes in the service tree from the Explore view when /decoder/parsers/config/detailed.stats is enabled and the Decoder is capturing the stats.

Each piece of content is accounted as a single percentage value (0-100) regardless of the number of parse threads running. The percentage represents an average of the CPU utilization for the content across all threads.

To enable usage statistics monitoring:

  1. In the NetWitness User Interface, go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.

  2. Select a Decoder service and click netwitness_ic-actns2.png > View > Explore.
    The Explore view for the Decoder is displayed.
  3. Open /decoder/parsers/config/ and in the right pane, select the detailed.stats parameter.
  4. Change the value to yes. If the Decoder is not capturing data, start capture.
    When you open the Decoder Stats node in the Explore view, the new statistic is visible.