Filter Alerts

You can filter alerts displayed in the Alerts tab by severity, feedback, entity, indicators, and date range.

  1. Go to Users > Alerts.
    The Alerts tab is displayed.
  2. To filter by severity, click the down arrow under Severity in the Alerts Filters panel, and select any one option. The options are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.
  3. To filter by feedback, click the down arrow under Feedback, and select any one option. The options are None, and Rejected.
  4. To filter by entity, click the down arrow under Entity Type, and select any one option. The options are All Entities, Users, and SSL.
  5. To filter by date range,
    • Click the down arrow under Date Range and select any one option. The Options are Last 7 Days, Last 2 Weeks, Last 1 Month, and Last 3 Months.
    • Select Custom Date under Date Range. In the Start Date, select the start range date range, and in the End Date select the end range date that you want the investigate.

The alerts are displayed in the right panel according to the filter you selected. To reset filters, in the bottom of left panel, click Reset.