Filter System Statistics

You can filter system statistics to monitor:

  • Statistics collected for a particular host
  • Statistics collected for a particular component
  • Statistics collected of a particular type or that belong to a certain category
  • Statistics listed in an ordered way as per the selection chosen

To filter the list of system statistics:

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Health & Wellness.
    The Health & Wellness view is displayed with the Alarms tab open.
  2. Click System Stats Browser.
    The System Stats Browser tab is displayed.
    Filter the list of system statistics in one of the following ways:
  • To view system statistics for a particular host, select the host in the Host drop-down list.
    The system statistics for the selected host is displayed.

  • To view system statistics for a particular component, select the component in the Component drop-down list.
    The system statistics for the selected component are displayed.

  • To view system statistics for a particular category, type the category name in the Category field.
    Select Regex ​to enable the Regex filter. It performs a regular expression search against text and lists the specified category. If Regex is not selected, it supports globbing pattern matching.
    The System Stats for the selected category is displayed.

  • To list statistics in a preferred order, you can set the order in the OrderBy column.
  • To view a particular statistic across hosts, type the statistic name in the Statistic field.
    Select Regex ​to enable the Regex filter. It performs a regular expression search against text and lists the specified category. If Regex is not selected it supports globbing pattern matching.
    The information for the selected statistics is displayed.

    The following figure shows the System Stats Browser filtered by the 111Conc host listed in descending statistical category order.


  1. To view the details for an individual statistic:
    1. Select a row to select a statistic.
    2. Click netwitness_ic-expand2.png.
      The Stat Details pane is displayed.


      ​​For details on various parameters in the netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Health & Wellness > System Stats Browser view, see System Stats Browser View