Import and Export a Global Notifications Template

This topic provides instructions on how to import and export a template for notifications.

  • You can export default or user-defined templates.
  • You can import a template that has been exported from the NetWitness instance. If you import a template with the same name as an existing template, then the existing template will be overwritten.

Import a Template

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > System.
  2. In the options panel, select Global Notifications.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. In the toolbar, select netwitness_ic-actns.png > Import.
    The Import dialog is displayed.
  5. In the Select Filefield, type the filename or click Browse and select the file to be imported.
  6. Click Import.

Export a Template

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > System.
  2. In the options panel, select Global Notifications.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Select the template you want to export.

    Note: You can export all the templates using the netwitness_ic-actns.png > Export All option.

  5. In the Actions column, select netwitness_ic-actns.png > Export.
    The Export dialog is displayed.
  6. In the Enter File Name field, type the filename.
  7. Click Save.