Live Feedback Overview

This topic provides an introduction to Live Feedback. Live Feedback collects relevant information such as the Licensing usage data for Network Decoder, Log Decoder and Malware Analysis, Threat Detection Enabled or Disabled status, Number of enabled ESA rules,and version number details of all the services of NetWitness. For more information about the licensing usage data for Packer Decoder, Log Decoder and Malware Analysis, see the License Details tab topic in the Licensing Guide. The information is collected to improve future releases of NetWitness. You will automatically be signed on to live feedback and you cannot disable this option.

In addition to this, information on the Live Content Usage can also be shared with NetWitness. Live Content usage metrics for resource types from netwitness_configureicon_24x21.png (Configure) > Live Content > Search Criteria such as total count of NetWitness Application Rule, NetWitness Correlation Rule etc. can be shared with NetWitness. The information collected is used to improve the use of Live Content. For more information about sharing live content configuration, see Live Services Configuration Panel.

About Live Feedback Participation

Once you sign up for a Live account, Live Feedback automatically collects relevant information for further improvement and anonymously sends it to RSA. The shared data is protected in accordance with the applicable license agreement. For information on Live Feedback, see Live Feedback Overview. For information, see Configure Live Services Settings

If needed, you can manually download historical usage data and share it with RSA. For information on how to download historical usage data and share it with RSA, see Upload Data to RSA for Live Feedback.

Note: Live Feedback is activated only if you have configured your Live account.

The Live Feedback data is in JSON format as mentioned below. When you sign up with your Live Account credentials, a single encrypted JSON file is automatically uploaded to the NetWitness servers everyday.


The JSON file consists of usage data information for a component or a set of components. In case of a set of components with the same license id, the usage data for all the components is aggregated and represented as a component called Entitlement. However, even if there is a single component such as a log decoder or decoder, an Entitlement component will be generated and will display the usage data for a single component. This aggregation is for components namely log decoders, decoders or malware analysis.

Note: The version of Entitlement is always null as it is the aggregate for a license data.

For example, if there are three Decoders with the same license id "xxx" with the following usage data:
Decoder1 = 150 MB
Decoder2 = 250 MB
Decoder3 = 100 MB
The aggregated usage data of 500 MB is displayed.

This JSON file is described in the following sections:

  • Components
  • Metrics
  • Other Product Details
  • Sample


Details of each service in your NetWitness deployment. This is represented as Component. For each component the following details are displayed.

Component Description
Version Version number of the component in the NetWitness deployment. For example,
ID This is the unique Component ID that represents the host and is used to link to the metrics generated.
  • Name - This is the name of the property for that component. For example, malware analysis, ESA, log decoder, etc.
  • Value - This is the unique value to identify the component.


Metrics of the components (hosts) such as Log Decoder, Decoder and Malware Analysis. The license usage data for each host is shared. For Live Content usage metrics, resource types from netwitness_configureicon_24x21.png (Configure) > Live Content > Search Criteria such as total count of NetWitness Application Rule, NetWitness Correlation Rule and so on are shared.

Component Description
  • Value - This is the value generated for the specific component ID for each component.
  • Name - This is the name of the statistics for which the metrics is collected. For example, Capture Total Bytes.
StartTimeUTC This is the time from when the metrics is collected. (in EPOCH format).
EndTimeUTC This is the time when the metrics collection is complete (in EPOCH format).
Component ID This is the ID of the component for which the value is recorded.

Other Product Details

  • End Time - This is the time when the metrics collection is complete (in EPOCH format).
  • Product Name - This is the name of the product. In this example, the Product Type is NetWitness.
  • Version - This is the version of the JSON file which tracks the changes made to the file format.
  • Start Time - This is the time from when the metrics is collected. (in EPOCH format).
  • Product Type - This is the name of the product. In this example, the Product Type is NetWitness.
  • Product Version - This is the version of the product from which the metrics is collected. In this example, the Product Version is
  • Product Instance - This is the License Server ID.
  • Checksum - This is the information which is used for integrity checks.

The following table describes details of the JSON file with examples.

Metrics Description
Content Displays the content that contains all the Components, Metrics, Product Type and Product Instance data except Checksum.

The details of all the services in NetWitness are represented as a Component. The details of the component such as the version number of the component, the name, and the value is displayed.

Version: Displays the version of NetWitness service. For example,

ID: Displays an unique id which is generated for the NetWitness service and is used to link to the metrics for that particular component. In this example, the ID for Malware Analysis is 5 and the metrics is displayed for ComponentId 5 in bytes:


Properties: Displays the properties for the component such as name and value as shown in the above figure.

Value: Displays the value of the property which is an internal UUID for a component as shown in the above figure This is generated by NetWitness. For example, For malware analysis the value displayed as "55f7a0b30e502231c42d063f"

Name: "InstanceId": Displays the name of the property as shown in the above figure.

Name": "malwareanalysis": Displays the name of component which is a service name such as LogDecoder, Decoder, or MalwareAnalysis.


Displays the list of the metrics with the usage data for components namely MacHosts, LinuHosts and WinHosts.

In this example, the metrics is displayed for ComponentId 1 in bytes.


StartTimeUTC: Displays the time when the metrics is collected, in the EPOCH format.
Usage: Displays the usage value and usage type statistics of the component.
Value: Displays the value of the statistics. For example, "Value": "1582940012678" as shown in the above figure.
Name: Displays the name of the statistics. For example, Capture Total Bytes or Total File bytes.
EndTimeUTC: Displays the time when the metrics collection is complete, in the EPOCH format.

ComponentId: Displays the component id for which the metric values are collected. This is the same as the "ID" in the Components section.

Content Displays the content that contains all the Components, Metrics, Product Type and Product Instance data except Checksum.
ProductType Displays the product type that generates the file. For example, "ProductType": "NetWitness Platform"


Displays the License server Id and is unique per NetWitness. For example, "ProductInstance": "00-0C-29-6C-66-E3"

Checksum Displays the Checksum for the "Content" section in the file. Used by NetWitness for integrity check. For example, "Checksum": "883DACF97E4BCD9F590A1461A4DD0A312B5883A6CF82E0518E77AAB6A6DDB654"


Here is a sample JSON file.

The JSON file includes details of all the licenses currently available on the appliance. Here is a sample of the Entitlement information within the JSON file for a appliance license for Broker.
