Manage a Lockbox

You can change the lockbox password, as well as refresh the lockbox.

Lockbox Status

Note: RSA NetWitness Platform has added a Health & Wellness stat for Warehouse Connector to indicate the status of its Lockbox. Also, an out-of-the-box rule has been added so that a Health & Wellness alarm is raised when the Lockbox does not exist or cannot be opened.

To see the rule details, go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Health & Wellness > Policies > Warehouse Connector and select Warehouse Connector Monitoring Policy.


To change the Lockbox password:

  1. Log on to NetWitness.
  2. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.
  3. In the Services view, select a Warehouse Connector service, and select netwitness_actions_icon.png > View > Config.

    The Services Config view of Warehouse Connector is displayed.


  4. Click the Lockbox Settings tab.


  5. In the Change Lockbox Password section, perform the following:

    1. In the Current Lockbox Password field, enter the current lockbox password.
    2. In the New Lockbox Password field, enter the new lockbox password.

      Note: The lockbox password must be at least eight characters in length and it must contain at least three of the following groups: one uppercase character [A-Z], one lowercase character [a-z], one numeral [0-9], and one special character.

    3. In the Confirm New Lockbox Password field, enter the new lockbox password to confirm.
    4. Click Apply.

The Lockbox password is successfully changed.

To refresh the Lockbox:

  1. Log on to NetWitness.
  2. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.
  3. In the Services view, select the added Warehouse Connector service, and select netwitness_actions_icon.png > View > Config.

    The Services Config view of Warehouse Connector is displayed.


  4. Click the Lockbox Settings tab.


  5. In the Refresh Lockbox section, enter the current lockbox password in the Lockbox Password field.
  6. Click Apply.
    The Lockbox is reset.