Monitoring through Dashboards

For a thorough analysis of the health of NetWitness Platform hosts and services using the different dashboards, you can pivot to dashboard without any additional authentication. By default, the last 6 hours of data is displayed in the dashboard. For more information on the default dashboards, see New Health and Wellness Dashboards.

To monitor through the dashboard:

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Health & Wellness.
  2. Click New Health & Wellness.
  3. Click Pivot to Dashboard.
    The Deployment Health Overview dashboard is displayed.
  4. Go to netwitness_newhwhom_21x25.png > Dashboard to view all the available dashboards.
  5. Select the dashboard you want to view.
  6. Click the dashboard link. For example, Hosts.
    Once the dashboard view is displayed you can look at the visualizations (charts, tables, and so on) to view current disk usage of hosts, incoming and outgoing traffic of the host, active queries on a service, and so on.


  7. You can adjust the time range on the top right corner and apply filters to view the statistics.