Output Tab

In the Global Notifications panel, in the Output tab ( netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > System > Global Notifications > Output), you configure notification outputs. Global Notifications configurations define notifications settings for Event Source Management (ESM), Health and Wellness, New Health and Wellness, Global Audit Logging, Event Stream Analysis (ESA), and Respond.

Notification Output configurations define email addresses and subject lines, SNMP trap OID settings, syslog output settings, and script code.

Notifications are the destinations configured for the alert notifications that are sent by ESA service. You can configure the following as destinations using the Output tab:

  • Email
  • SNMP
  • Syslog
  • Script

Note: You do not need to configure the Output tab for Global Audit Logging. For detailed steps, see Configure Global Audit Logging.


This workflow shows the necessary procedures to configure and verify the output for Global Notifications. You can perform the following:

  • Configure the Email settings as notification.
  • Configure SNMP settings as notification.
  • Configure Syslog settings as notification.
  • Configure a Script as notification.

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Administrator Define notification outputs.

Configure Notification Outputs

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Quick Look

The following example illustrates Global Notification Outputs configuration.


1 Selects a row for an action in the toolbar. Selecting the check box in the column title selects or deselects all rows in the grid.
2 Indicates whether the configuration is enabled. A solid colored green circle indicates that a configuration is enabled. A blank white circle indicates that a configuration is not enabled.
3 Identifies or labels the configuration.
4 Identifies the configuration output. The outputs are Email, SNMP, Syslog, and Script.
5 Describes the configuration.
6 Shows the date and time of the last configuration change.
7 Provides an Actions menu netwitness_ic-actns.png for the selected configuration with actions that can be taken on the configuration. The Actions menu enables you to delete, edit, duplicate, and export the configuration.

The Global Notifications panel toolbar is at the top of the Output tag and provides the following options:


1 Adds a notification output
2 Configures Email, SNMP, Syslog, and Script notification settings.
3 Removes a selected notification configuration. You cannot delete notification servers and notification types that are associated with global audit log configurations. If you attempt to delete a notification output (notification) being used by alerts, you will receive a warning confirmation message that the alerts using the notification will not function properly. The message shows the number of alerts in use. You can also delete a configuration by selecting a configuration and then in the Actions column, selecting netwitness_ic-actns.png > Delete.
4 Edits a selected notification configuration. You can also edit a configuration by selecting a configuration and then in the Actions column, selecting netwitness_ic-actns.png > Edit.
5 Duplicates a selected notification configuration. You can also duplicate a configuration by selecting a configuration and then in the Actions column, selecting netwitness_ic-actns.png > Duplicate.
6 Displays the following options:
  • Import: Imports a notification server, type, or template. For example, on the Servers tab, you can import a notification server configuration.
  • Export All: Exports all of the configurations. For example, if you are on the Servers tab, you can export all of the notification server configurations.
  • Export: Exports a selected configuration. You can also export a configuration by selecting a configuration and then in the Actions column, selecting netwitness_ic-actns.png > Export.
7 Filters by Email, SNMP, Syslog, or Script.
8 Searches configurations in the grid.