
You can retrieve a pcap file using the REST service.


If you point a browser to this URL, the web page lets you enter a list of session IDs or a time range. When you click Submit, it generates a pcap based on the supplied criteria.

Programmatically, using HTTP GET or POST, submit either a sessions parameter with a comma-separated list of session IDs and session ranges (#‐#) or a time1 and time2 parameter. Times must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, for example: 2010-Apr-20 09:00:00.

Note: Since the list of sessions can get quite long, this API accepts the content-type application/x-netwitness-string-params for a POST command.

Importing Packets

You can import packets to a DECODER using the REST service.


If you point a browser to this URL, the web page lets you select a pcap file for upload. It also accepts pcap files POSTed to this URL.

REST begins processing incoming data immediately after the HTTP header is parsed. This means import of a pcap file occurs quickly and allows for large transfers. There is still a limit, but it is much larger (GBs) and is based on how well the import process can keep up with the client POST coming in. If the client posts a huge pcap (many GBs), it is still possible to overfill the current buffer. Any pcap that is 4 GBs or less should be able to process without issue.

Note: The DECODER cannot be concurrently importing or capturing, or an error results.