Storage ConfigurationsStorage Configurations
This topic contains the recommended Azure storage configurations.
For storage allocations of all host types, see the Prepare Virtual or Cloud Storage topic in the Storage Guide for NetWitness® Platform XDR 12.1.
Enabling Swap Partition in Azure Deployments Enabling Swap Partition in Azure Deployments
After completing the Azure deployment, you must enable the swap in your deployment.
To do this, perform the following steps:
- Modify the default parameters at /etc/waagent.conf to
The following screenshot displays the default parameters.
The following screenshot displays the modified parameters.
Note: You can set the ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB parameter based on your requirement.
- Restart the waagent.service using the command: systemctl restart waagent.service
Note: To check the status of the swap use the command swapon --show.