Per-User Configuration Nodes

This topic describes the per-user configuration nodes. There are settings that influence the actions users are allowed to perform on the database. These settings are stored in the configuration tree at /users/accounts/<username>/config , where <username> is the name of the user to which the settings apply.


A query prefix applies a filter to every query operation that the user performs. This is implemented by taking the query.prefix values and appending it the the where clause of each query using the logical && (and) operator. For more information on Where Clauses, see Queries .


The query.timeout setting assigns the maximum amount of time in minutes that a user can run each query. For trusted connections, these timeouts are configured on the NetWitness Platform server. For accounts on Core services, this setting is stored in the configuration tree at /users/accounts/<username>/config , where <username> is the name of the user to which the setting applies. When this value is set to zero, the Core service does not enforce the query timeout.


The session.threshold setting assigns a maximum session threshold for the user. If set, this threshold value is assigned to all values calls that the user performs. A detailed discussion of both the values call and thresholds is covered in this guide.