Deployed SASE Nodes can be backed up using the same approach as all other NetWitness Nodes. The nw-create-cloud-hybrid script has a --backup-cloud-nodes option that will utilize the underlying NetWitness backup capability but will support and facilitate the automated restoration of a cloud based NetWitness SASE node. The following command must be executed using the nw-create-cloud-hybrid script on the Admin Server:

nw-create-cloud-hybrid --backup-cloud-nodes


nw-create-cloud-hybrid --b




Optional Name of deployment model in template

defaults to pre-defined 'gcp default'


Optional Cloud Service Account Json-based key data path

GCP will default to /root/.gcp/gcp-auth-token.json

This command will take a backup of the configuration of all SASE based deployed NetWitness Cloud Nodes and will store the backup configurations in the /root/.sase/backups directory.

Note: The Admin Server must be backed up using the standard disaster recovery/recovery-tool procedures.

Note: This process only backs up the node configuration of the cloud nodes. This command must be executed after any configuration updates to the cloud deployed NetWitness SASE Nodes.