Search and Export Historical Logs

NetWitness provides a searchable view of the NetWitness log or the service log in a paged format. When initially loaded, the grid shows the last page of the log entries for the system or the service. You can export logs from the current view.

Display the Historical System Log

To display the historical log for the system:

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > System.
  2. In the options panel, select System Logging.

    The System Logging panel is opened to the Realtime tab by default.

  3. Click the Historical tab.

    A list of historical logs for the system is displayed.


Display a Historical Service Log

To display the historical log for services:

  1. Select netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services.
  2. Select a service.
  3. In the Actions column, select View > Logs.

    The service logs view is displayed with the Realtime tab open.

  4. Click the Historical tab.

    A list of historical logs for the selected service is displayed.


Search Log Entries

To search the results shown in the Historical tab:

  1. (Optional) Select a Start Date and End Date. Optionally, select a Start Time and End Time.
  2. (Optional) For system and service logs, select a Log Level and a Keyword, or both. System logs have seven log levels. Service logs have only six log levels because they do not include the TRACE level. The default is ALL log entries.
  3. (Optional) For service logs, select the Service: host or service.
  4. Click Search.
    The view is refreshed with the most recent 10 entries matching your filter. As new matching log entries become available, the view is updated to show those entries.

Show Details of a Log Entry

Each row of the Historical tab Log grid provides the summary information of a log entry. To display all the details for a log message:

  1. Double-click a log entry.

    The Log Message dialog, which contains the Timestamp, Logger Name, Thread, Level and Message, is displayed.


  2. After viewing, click Close.

Page Through Log Entries

To peruse the different pages of the list, use the paging controls on the bottom of the grid as follows:

  • Use the navigation buttons
  • Manually type the page number you want to view, and press ENTER.

Export a Log File

To export the logs in the current view:

Click Export, and select one of the drop-down options: CSV Format or Tab Delimited.
The file is downloaded with a filename that identifies the log type and the field delimiter. For example, a NetWitness system log exported with comma-separated values is named UAP_log_export_CSV.txt, and a host log exported with tab-separated values is named APPLIANCE_log_export_TAB.txt.