Services Config View - ThreatGRID Tab

This topic introduces the parameters required to obtain a trial ThreatGRID API key in the Malware Analysis ThreatGRID tab, which provides a method of obtaining a trial ThreatGRID API key for use in the ThreatGRID Cloud sandbox. Before enabling ThreatGRID as the sandbox service in the Sandbox module, a ThreatGRID-supplied Service Key must be configured so that ThreatGRID can recognize that samples submitted from this site are legitimate.

If you do not have a ThreatGRID-supplied Service Key, you can obtain a key using this tab. The key is provided on a trial basis.



What do you want to do?

Role I Want to... Show me how
Administrator Configure General Malware Analysis Settings Configure General Malware Analysis Settings
Administrator Configure Indicators of Compromise Configure Indicators of Compromise


Configure Auditing on Malware Analysis Host

(Optional) Configure Auditing on Malware Analysis Host

Administrator Configure Hash Filter (Optional) Configure Hash Filter


Configure Installed Anti virus Vendor

Configure Installed Antivirus Vendors

Administrator Configure Malware Analysis Proxy Settings (Optional) Configure Malware Analysis Proxy Settings


Register a TreadGRID API Key*

(Optional) Register for a ThreatGRID API Key

Administrator Enable Community Analysis Enable Community Analysis

*You can perform this task in the current view

Related Topic

Basic Setup

Quick Look

This is an example of the ThreatGRID tab.


1 Displays the ThreadGRID Tab.


This table describes the features of the ThreatGRID tab.

Feature Description
Full Name Your first and last name.
Title Your job title.
Organization Name The name of your organization.
Email Your email address.
User Id Your user ID for ThreatGRID access.
Password Your password for ThreatGRID access.
Register button Click the Register button to submit the request.