Set a Counter for Matched Alerts and Incidents

This procedure is optional. Administrators can use it to change when the count for matched alerts is reset to 0. The Incident Rules view displays these counts in columns on the right.


The following columns provide matched alert information for a rule:

  • Last Matched column shows the time when the rule last matched alerts.
  • Matched Alerts column displays the number of matched alerts for the rule.
  • Incidents column displays the number of incidents created by the rule.

By default, these values reset to zero every 7 days. Depending on how long you want the counts to continue, you can change the default number of days.

Note: When the counter resets to zero, only the numbers in the three columns change to zero. No alerts or incidents are deleted.

To set a counter for matched alerts and incidents:

  1. Go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services, select the Respond Server service, and then select netwitness_ic-actns.png > View > Explore.
  2. In the Explore view node list, select respond/alertrule.
  3. In the right panel, type the number of days in the counter-reset-interval-days field.
  4. Restart the Respond Server service for the new setting to take effect. To do this, go to netwitness_adminicon_25x22.png (Admin) > Services, select the Respond Server service, and then select netwitness_ic-actns.png > Restart.