View a Chart

After you view a chart, you can perform the tasks:

  • You can print, save, email and view charts on full screen.
  • You can also select a date from the calendar to view a list of successfully run charts for the chosen date.

To view a chart:

  1. Go to Reports.

    The Manage tab is displayed.

  2. Click Charts.

    The Chart view is displayed.

  3. In the Charts panel, Select a chart and click netwitness_actions_icon.png > View.

    The View Chart view tab is displayed.

  4. In Chart Options, do the following:

    1. Select the Time Range.

      Note: When you select the Time Range option, you can select a pre-set time range such as last hour, last 3 hours and the Last N Days...or you can customize the selection by choosing Last N Days or Custom. If you select Last N Days option, you can view the historical data for a maximum of 15 days. If you select the Custom option, you can select a start date and end date to view the data for the selected date range.

    1. Select the Series, either Chart Values over Time or Chart with Totals.
      When you select Chart Values over Time, the chart displays the change in values for the selected time. When you select Chart with Totals, the chart displays a total for each aggregate value for the selected time.
    2. Select Items To Plot to define the number of events to view on the chart.
    3. From the Chart Type drop-down list, select the chart type.
    4. Click Reload to reload the selected chart.
      If there is a delay in retrieving the historical data for the selected time range, a message is displayed.

After the chart is generated, a notification is displayed in the notification tray available in the NetWitness toolbar. For more information on the NetWitness toolbar, see the "Browser Window" topic in the NetWitness Getting Started Guide.

View all Charts List

To view a list of all the charts:

  1. Go to Reports.

    The Manage tab is displayed.

  2. Click Charts.

    The Chart view is displayed.

  3. In the Charts toolbar, click View All Charts.

    All the executed charts for the selected date are displayed in a new tab.

    * If no list is displayed, you can select a date from the calendar to view a list of charts.
    * If you want to view a specific chart, enter the chart name in the search criteria.

  4. Click the chart name to view the chart details for that date.