Pre-Upgrade Steps:
If NFS destination is configured, unmount the configured directory and disable the entry from /etc/fstab using the command umount <directory name>.
Post-Upgrade Steps:
Create a fresh lockbox key.
Reauthorize the user account in source configurations using using Explore or REST API. Reauthorization of source user account is not available in UI. The command to reauthorize the user account from Explore is given below:
> /warehouseconnector/sources/<source:port> ---> setPass property with password=<password of the configured user in source>
Reauthorize the user account in SFTP destination configuration from UI, Explore or REST API. The command to reauthorize the password from Explore is given below:
> /warehouseconnector/destinations/<sftp_destination> ---> setPass property with password=<password of the configured user in SFTP destination>
If NFS directory mount was removed as part of pre-upgrade step, mount back the same configuration. Additionally, enable back the mount entry in /etc/fstab.
> mount -t nfs -o nolock,tcp,hard,intr <IP_Address_for_SAW>:/mapr/<cluster-name> /<directory_name>
Where <IP_Address_for_SAW> is the IP address of the primary Warehouse appliance in the cluster and <cluster-name> is the name provided in the template file.