RSA, a Dell Technologies business, is reminding all users of the scheduled End of Primary Support (EOPS) for RSA Security Analytics 10.5. This version will reach EOPS on June 30, 2018. No Extended Support is being offered for this version. Customers still under maintenance can upgrade to the latest version of NW 10.6 or NW 11.x.
Affected Products:
Customers who have deployed RSA Security Analytics version 10.5 are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of Security Analytics 10.6 or NetWitness 11.x, as soon as possible.
Please contact your local RSA Sales Representative or RSA Customer Support if there are any questions or concerns with the upgrade. Full details and instructions for upgrading are provided in the upgrade documentation.
For additional documentation, downloads, and more, visit the RSA NetWitness Platform page on RSA Link.
EOPS Policy:
RSA has a defined End of Primary Support policy associated with all major versions. Please refer to the Product Version Life Cycle for additional details.