Dear RSASecurCareOnline Customer,
RSA, The Security Division ofEMC, announces the End of Primary Support (EOPS) for RSANetWitness9.8
RSA, The Security Division ofEMC, is reminding all users of the scheduled End of Primary Support (EOPS) for RSANetWitness9.8. This version will reach End of Primary Support (EOPS) December 31, 2015. No Extended Support will be offered for this version. Prior to EOPS, there will be a supported Investigator thick client available for customers who want to continue to utilize it after upgrading to Security Analytics 10.5.
Affected Product:
Customers that have deployed RSANetWitness9.8 are encouraged to upgrade to the latest RSA Security Analytics version (currently SA 10.5) as soon as possible. This can be done by contacting your local RSA Sales Representative who will work with RSA customer support to help guide you through the migration process.
Customers that have deployed RSANetWitness9.7 are also encouraged to upgrade to the latest RSA Security Analytics version as soon as possible as these versions reachedEOPSin September 2014.