2021-12-04 11:38 PM
The RSA link case portal is showing unauthorised and not allowing to create a case.
2021-12-06 04:18 AM
Hi @IhjazVarikkoda1 ,
Apologies for the inconvenience. Can you please let me know under which product you want to create cases?
Santhosh V
2021-12-08 04:42 AM
2021-12-13 10:23 PM
Hey @IhjazVarikkoda1,
Apologies for the delay in responding. We have provided necessary permissions so you can access the Case Portal page now. However it looks like your account is not linked to proper account so it shows No accounts Found in Account field. So please go through this document which will help you to get an account linked to your RSA Link account - https://community.rsa.com/t5/rsa-link-support-knowledge-base/what-should-i-do-if-no-accounts-are-found-when-opening-a-support/ta-p/609803?utm_medium=errorMessage&utm_source=casePortal#toc-hId-1146540443
Let me know if you face further issues.
Santhosh V