2015-07-29 01:14 PM
Currently using Security Analytics 10.4
I'm running a daily report on password changes by non-owner, i.e., user changes a different user's password.
The predicate clause is:
alert.id = 'account:modified' && category = 'user account management' && device.type = 'winevent_nic' && user.src != user.dst
However, the last predicate doesn't do anything to remove accounts where user.src & user.dst are identical. There are still a large number of rows (almost all of them) where the user is changing their own password.
Anyone have any insight here? I've got a decent background in SQL and query syntax, but using the reporting engine makes me want to scream most days.
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2015-08-20 03:02 PM
I've finally managed to get this working properly; the final bits that were causing problems were all related to how metadata is being created in our particular implementation.
Note: This data is possibly only relevant to our installation.
I created a new APP RULE, to populate Alert.ID with "password:modified" whenever (ec.theme = 'password' && ec.subject='password' && ec.activity = 'Modify') || (event.cat.name='user.management.password.modifications') I've also started filtering Security^(4738) from the incoming logs. The reason for the filtering is that changing the password was creating reference.id = 4738 log records whenever the password change was replicated across DCs; these logs were obscuring the "real" data.
I also modified the lua parser just a bit to simplify it; any reduced effort on the part of a parser is probably a good thing. Since I'm now looking for the custom Alert.ID I specified, I can reduce the number of fields required for a match and reduce the number of callbacks, etc.
The final lua parser is shown below.
local pwchange = nw.createParser("password_change", "password change by non-owner")
function pwchange:sessionBegin()
metaTable = {
["alertID"] = {},
["userSrc"] = {},
["userDst"] = {},
function pwchange:checkMeta()
if metaTable.alertID["password:modified"] then
for changee in pairs(metaTable.userDst) do
for changeBy in pairs(metaTable.userSrc) do
if changee ~= changeBy then
nw.createMeta(self.keys.alert, "password change by non-owner")
function pwchange:alertID(idx, vlu)
metaTable.alertID[vlu] = true
function pwchange:userSrc(idx, vlu)
metaTable.userSrc[vlu] = true
function pwchange:userDst(idx, vlu)
metaTable.userDst[vlu] = true
[nwevents.OnSessionBegin] = pwchange.sessionBegin,
[nwlanguagekey.create("alert.id", nwtypes.Text)] = pwchange.alertID,
[nwlanguagekey.create("user.src", nwtypes.Text)] = pwchange.userSrc,
[nwlanguagekey.create("user.dst", nwtypes.Text)] = pwchange.userDst,