Single Signon Error - We can't log you in. Check for an invalid
assertion in the SAML Assertion Validator (available in Single Sign-On
Settings) or check the login history for failed logins. How do I correct
Jeff,I am acting as a consultant for a RSA Customer and do not have the
license key. I was able to register, but it never asked me for
password.So then I login to myRSA which askes for password and I enter
my old passwords and it says I am authentica...
Jeff,On that page I get another error "A programming error has occurred
on the server. Please refer to server logs for more information."Thanks
for your helpBill
Jeff,I get the error on MyRSA, after trying to signin with my email
address and password.Thanks,Bill P.S. - i am just getting back into RSA
and will be using it fairly extensively. I just got hired as a software
developer/consultant on RSA starting W...